Suzy Ries, Family and Consumer Sciences
Baltic High School
"The best teacher is one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself." Edward Bulwer-Lytton
My teaching philosophy is built on recognition of students as capable beings who are active participants in learning from birth until death. I believe that all people, in all phases of life, have the need and ability to learn - that every students has innate potential, and that our job as educators is to help them discover their gifts, talents and strengths. I believe that a teacher is a lifelong learner and that participation in learning communities and continuing education, and interaction with parents and community, are vital steps to providing the best for our students.
I believe that students learn best by participating in hands-on activities...engaging activities that have relevance and can easily be incorporated into their lives. Students learn best with exposure to a variety of teaching models and methods, with the availability of choice and with tailored or individualized curriculum opportunities. If you visit my classroom, you will find a room filled with activity, color and discussion. When student s leave at the end of the day, they will have created knowledge, will possess new understandings and will have tools for living productive lives.
Courses in Family and Consumer Sciences and Career and Technical Education give students the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities and build imperative, practical life skills in a variety of areas. Life skills that will help them: find a suitable career, make healthy choices concerning their bodies and minds, learn to communicate effectively with others, make the most of their financial assets, make clear decisions involving morals and values, become nurturing and caring parents and become productive members of society. There is no other field that employs these teachings and reaches a myriad of students at multiple levels the way Family and Consumer Sciences does.
The student of today is the parent, provider and worker of tomorrow. Family and Consumer Sciences, along with Career and Technical Education provide imperative educational opportunities to guide students into adulthood - where they will be productive, successful and content members of tomorrow's society.