Would You Like To Do This Year?
a few or do them all…just make sure you get involved!
Travel? Here’s where we’re headed…
How About Helping Our Community?
Ø Parent Teacher Conference Babysitting
Ø Halloween Carnival
Ø Special Week Celebrations like Family Week, Teen Read Week, Teacher Appreciation and FCCLA Week
Ø Valentine’s Candy Distribution to Baltic School District Students
Ø May Baskets for Seniors
Ø Semester Test Survival Kits
Ø Food drive and pop tab contests
Ø Make meals for the working poor at Lunch Is Served
Ø Supplies for the homeless, ill or our soldiers serving overseas
Ø Or…come up with your own project and talk to Mrs. Ries about getting it started
Become a Leader?
ü Run for District Office (1 middle school, 1 high school – President is also a state officer) January 20
ü Run for State Officer (Junior High Representative) April 24-26
ü Run for State Peer Education Team Member (2 teams with 12 members each) April 24-26
ü Run for Chapter Office (10 positions open) April 19-22
ü Become a Committee Chair or Start Your Own Chapter Project
ü Compete in a STAR event by putting together a project and presentation January or April
Help With Fundraising To Pay For Chapter and Community Activities?
Magazine and Cookie Dough Sales in
ü SRB sucker sales all year long
ü Meal Fundraiser in October
ü Halloween Carnival on October 30
ü Valentine’s Treat Bag Sales in February
ü Sampling Supper and Cookbooks April 8
ü Sioux Empire Fair Dairy Booth August 5-14
Or Just Have Fun With Your Friends At Chapter Activities?
ü Help with the FCCLA Homecoming Float
ü District Rally in November
ü Chapter Meeting Activities
ü Spooky Pals in October and Easter Buddies in March
ü Movie Night in Dells
ü Visit the Corn Maze in Harrisburg
ü Ice Skating at the new Scheel’s IcePlex
ü Annual Lock In April 11
ü FCCLA and Valentines Week Activities
ü Scavenger Hunt
Do a few or do them all…just make sure you get involved!