Who killed President Lincoln?
What is the name of the tunnel
that connects England and France?
What space shuttle broke apart in 1986?
What is the common name for glucose?
If you love trivia, know the answers to questions like
and make a great team member – quiz bowl is for you!
Come to a few practices to see what quiz bowl is all about:
Thursday, October 8 at 7:45 AM in the FACS room
Thursday, October 15 at 7:45 AM in the FACS room
Tuesday, October 20 at 7:45 AM in the FACS room
Tryouts October 22 and 23
If you like quiz bowl we encourage to try out for one of two teams made up of
4-5 people each. Tryouts (October
22 and 23) will include a written test along with a few verbal questions.
After the teams have been determined we will practice at a time that works for
most members. Competitions are
scheduled (at this time) for November and March.
You can also work with practice questions I have set up on the website Flashcard
Machine at the following link: http://www.flashcardmachine.com/867975/1t6i
Please see Mrs. Ries if you have any questions.
And thanks for considering joining the Middle School Quiz Bowl Team!