Content Area: Language Arts |
Grade: 9-12 |
Goal: 2 Writing |
Indicator: Indicator 2: Students will use appropriate style, organization, and form in technical, transactional, creative, and personal writing. |
Benchmark(s): C:
analyze and use the writing
format required for a specific type of publication. |
Standards (knowledge and skills):
Content Area: Technology |
Grade: 9-12 |
Goal: Information and Computer Management. |
Indicator: 4. Select and use word-processing, desktop publishing, presentation and graphics. |
Benchmark(s): |
Standards (knowledge and skills): 4.3 Compose, organize and edit information using a keyboard. 4.5 Proofread and edit documents for accuracy and content, and for correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. 4.1.6 Use desktop publishing software to design, create, import data/graphics/scanned images. 4.2.1 Use presentation and multimedia software to design, create import data/graphics/scanned images for a variety of presentations. |
Content Area:
Language Arts |
Grade: 9-12 |
Goal: 2 Writing |
Indicator: Indicator 3: Students will use various strategies and techniques to improve writing quality. |
Benchmark(s): b. evaluate and use recommendations from others to improve writing consistency and coherence. |
Standards (knowledge and skills):
Content Area:
Language Arts |
Grade: 9-12 |
Goal: 2 Writing |
Indicator: 4. Students will write to clarify and enhance understanding of information |
Benchmark(s): c. use multiple examples from print and electronic sources to support personal interpretations |
Standards (knowledge and skills):
* Note: Please identify only those standards that are directly targeted as part of the “big idea” of your unit.