Mass Media

Excel Spreadsheet Activity:  35 Points

Mrs. Ries




Oval Callout: What the mass media offer is not popular art, but entertainment, which is intended to be consumed like food, forgotten and replaced by a new dish.
W. H. Auden
The Influence of Mass Media…








In class we’ve talked about the nine types of mass media and the changes that are occurring in each industry.


In this activity you will assess the impact that media has in your life – by keeping a journal for a week and then creating a spreadsheet with the results.


To Begin:


Using the following table, record the number of hours you spend with each medium in the upcoming week.


Week of _____________________________________















































Home Video









Movies in Theatre




































Total Hours










Now, using Microsoft Excel, enter your data as described below


  1. Open Microsoft Excel and enter your information from your personal log following the layout on the sample. (10 Points)
  2. Once you have inserted all of the data, add the headlines.  (1 point)
  3. You may now add format options to your spreadsheet to make it look the way you would like (change fonts, add shading, add pictures).
  4. Once you have formatted your spreadsheet you are ready to make your pie chart.
  5. Select and highlight the information that I have boxed on the sample and labeled A.
  6. Then go up to the toolbar and choose “Chart Wizard”.  It looks like 3 books and a bookend.  You will follow the 4 steps shown to create your graph.
  7. In step one choose “pie chart”, then hit “next”.
  8. In step two your “series” should be in “columns” and show the types of media.  Hit the “next” button.
  9. In step three your “data label” should “show label and percent”.  Click the “titles” tab at the top of the box and fill in the name of your chart.  Continue with the “next” button.
  10. In step four you shouldn’t have to do anything and will continue with the “finish” button.
  11. Your pie chart will be small and you will need to click and drag on the border to make it larger.  If you would like to make the typeface smaller, simply double click on one of the words in the chart (all of them should select automatically) and font options will appear.  Try 10 or 11 point type. (Pie Chart 10 points)
  12. At this point you can change your chart format (font, size, colors) to make it look the way you want.  You may want to get into page setup and change the landscape.  Remember to use spell check.
  13. Make sure your chart looks like the sample (but it will have your data instead of mine).
  14. Answer the following questions and turn your chart in with this handout.








Discussion Questions


  1. What percent of your time, of 168 hours available in a week, do you spend with mass media? (total hours divided by 168). _____________ (1 point)


  1. How does this compare with the national average?__________  Does this surprise you?____

Why or why not?_________________________________________________________(3 points)



  1. With which media do you spend the most time?____________  The least?________________

How do these results reflect your priorities, beliefs or upbringing? _________________________





  1. How do you think your results would change if you were 8 years old?____________________



30 years old?____________________________________________________________________



70 years old?_____________________________________________________________(3 pts.)



  1. Which media do you think will grow the most in the next ten years?______________________


Give three reasons to support your choice._____________________________________________


_______________________________________________________________________(4 pts.)



Great job!  Now wasn’t’ that fun?